

I had three mentors this year. Aeon Clinical Laboratories with Rosela in the genetics lab. West Hall Middle School with Mrs. Allison the healthcare teacher. West Hall Middle School with Mrs. Richerson a science teacher. Though most of my mentorships fell through, it required a great deal of conformity. This opportunity was fantastic and had great potential, but it was hard to form around my schedule and meet my mentoring needs. I recommend to any students next year taking this course to give it a chance, and do something that your heart desires.

First, I worked at the Aeon Clinical Laboratories. This was an amazing experience, and I was able to get hand on work in a professional setting. I gained many basic skills while mentoring here including: professionalism, the importance of being punctual, and the ability communicate with co-workers. To get the most from my mentorship, I asked questions and watched Rosela closely to understand the genetic process. This has helped my future more externally because of the skills that I learned in the duration of my time there. This opportunity provided me with the information that I enjoyed working hands on in research.

Second and third, I worked with Mrs. Allison in the healthcare classroom and then Mrs. Richerson in the science classroom. This was not my ideal mentorship, but I learned to love the student interaction and the ability to freshen my basic knowledge of healthcare and science. I learned the skills that include: tolerance, communication skills with younger students, and good persuasion and manipulation skills. To get the most from my mentorship, I interacted with the students in a personal level thus creating relationships with the students. This helped my future internally with my thoughts. It provided patients with kids, and the ability to come to conclusions that work both ways. Though I don’t want to be a teacher, I enjoyed my time there.

Good Presentation

Though I have already presented my topic to an audience, I have learned a thing or two watching this video. Bottom line: Presenting information on a topic is scary. The thought of people watching your every move and word out of your mouth. Yeah it can be pretty intimidating. Prepare, prepare, prepare. I already prepared my presentation, wrote down the main facts I wanted to get across. I knew my presentation backwards and forwards. I knew exactly how you’re going to present it. I started off with some simple student interaction and dove into my main points. I had my main ideas that I want to get across to my audience. I start with a some cool facts, I hook the audience in, then I support the evidence, and ended with a powerful, interactive conclusion.

Though I had my presentaton nailed, I lost focus of my posture and physicality. I did not realize that large meals could lead to a “clogged” throat, i should have kept my meal simple. I did have water on the oother hand. Water keeps the voice natural. It can allow a moment of pause to recollect your thoughts. It can also show that you are calm, comfortable, and in control.

Check In

I am currently mentoring with a science teacher down at west hall middle school. Though I do not want to be a teacher, it does re-spark my interest in the science field. I will continue the science field in college, so mentoring with Mrs. Richerson keeps my brain active in the places that it should.

I’ve learned to enjoy interacting with the students, and learning about each of them. It is a less attractive job when some of the students wake up on the wrong side of the bed.. 🙂 that just makes it exciting to cheer them up, and make their days.

Wrapping Up The Information


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Wrapping up my final project, I had to get involved with my students to get the most accurate answer. I volunteered to teach the class for a couple of days so I could earn their trust. I created a power point that can be found on my website, and I also put up a video of myself teaching the class. My next step is to ask them poll questions. I will use the same poll questions to ask the high school students to increase the depth of my research. I will continue to keep my blog updated on my research. I’m very excited to see if my hypothesis is true.

Final project part 1

My essential question remand the same throughout my research! Can students conclude that they want to purse the medical field if exposed to healthcare knowledge in their younger years? To explore my question, I will be using a verity of components. I will be asking the students from my sixth graders to the seniors in health care classes to provide information for my topic. After having this information, I will teach the students the facts about the health care system. I’ve done research on the questions to ask future health students. The results are stated in my annotative bibliography. I will record me teach the students these facts and also the introduction the muscular system. I will be using the components debate, sculpture, and a model. These recordings will be posted on my weebly.

My Essential Question


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Can students conclude that they want to purse the medical field if exposed to healthcare knowledge in their younger years?

As a senior in high school, We face many questions. What am I going to do after graduation? What college am I going to apply to? What major will you choose to pursue? Do you have a career that interest you? Most of the time, students are unsure on how to answer these questions.

As a teacher’s assistant at West Hall Middle School, sixth graders are learning medical information that I learned in high school. I came up with this essential question because it gives students more time to find an interest in a particular field. If I learned in middle school that I wanted to pursue the healthcare field, I could have saved two years of high school on classes that I could have taken in middle school.

Throughout this year, as my students learn more about anatomy and physiology, they will learn if they have a genuine fascination in Healthcare, and they can continue and take more advanced classes. In the bigger picture, these students will not waste time in high school figuring out what they were called to do.



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In the past month, much has happened in my world of HMP. The Aeon Lab and I were no longer compatible because of the time and work that was available. I will miss the lab but better opportunities are around. As I talked with Mrs. Killingsworth, She came up with a brilliant plan! I started my new mentorship with the healthcare teacher, Mrs. Allison, at West Hall Middle School. Not only do I refresh my knowledge on the basics in healthcare, but I get to be a teachers assistant in class. I love interacting with my 6th graders! I look forward to going down to the middle school everyday, and seeing what my kids are capable of learning. After Thanksgiving break, Mrs. Allison is letting me teach a chapter on the intro to genetics. In one of the projects we have planed, I will teach the kids how to pipet DNA.  I get to take the knowledge I learned from The Aeon Labs and transfer it over to the young minds of West Hall Middle School. This is a fantastic opportunity and I enjoy working with these future health professionals.

Social Intelligence

Not only do students face social situations in school, we also face it in our work environment. As a student, I can defend the idea that we ill prepared for social interaction in career related situations. We lack the knowledge of social intelligence.  This is defined, by Tim Elmore, as “The capacity to effectively negotiate complex social relationships and environments”. School has formed us to be opinionated, bold, obnoxious,  and unsympathetic. We carry these characteristics into the work field, and these are unacceptable. It’s not that we weren’t taught how to behave in serious situations, we have formed to survive high school. This article spoke to me because I have defined myself in my blog. I have grown to have a shell, and I will protect it no matter the cost. I have confidence that needs to be knocked down because I have a hard time obeying orders that I don’t see fit. I realize that my overwhelming personality is not suitable for work environment. I have had experience in jobs, and it is getting better, but I have alot to learn. I must keep reminding myself that my character reflect on, not only myself, but my school, community, and family.

Write Up


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My Profile: I am a senior at West Hall High School. Spartan Nation is my home away from home. I consider myself very active in my community in school and out. I play varsity basketball and run varsity track. I am member of HOSA, Health Occupation Students of America, and I have gone to state many times through out my high school career. I am a FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, leader. As members and leaders of these clubs, you get involved with the community on a personal level, and that has helped me as a person to grow closer to God and the people around me. In the classroom, I take rigorous classes to help prepare me for college, and I have maintained a high grade point average. I tutor a verity of students in different courses to help them succeed. The classes that West Hall has provided, I was able to get a head start in the health profession and was able to pass the healthcare pathway exam. I am extremely blessed to have an opportunity to work with my mentor, Rosela, and the other co-workers in the Aeon Genetics Lab, Jill and Daniel, thanks to the Honors Mentorship Program. I want to thank all workers of the Aeon Lab in Gainesville for taking me under their wing, and giving me an opportunity to give me real life work experience.

My Internship: Working at the Aeon Genetics Lab has introduced me to a verity of skills, and has helped me come to the realization of what career I wish to pursue. I have realized that I do not desire to work in the field of genetics, but I enjoy every minute spent in the Lab. Not only have I met some amazing people, I have found people that I could go to on a personal or professional level. Rosela insures me that I will learn something new every time I step foot in the Labs, and so far I have. Every worker brings important qualities to the table, and he or she each teaches me individual lessons each and everyday. Although I do not want to work in the field of genetics, I am still fascinated by the work the lab preforms.

My Future: I will be mentoring with Aeon Laboratories until I graduate in May. I will take the skills I have obtained in my internship along with the skills from West Hall down to Milledgeville. I have applied to Georgia College and State University in hopes that this college will be my home for the next four years. There I will pursue the Pre-Medicine program. I will major in Biology and minor in both Criminal Justice and Chemistry. With all the hard work, I am very hopeful that everything will fall into place!

Different Perception?


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My perception hasn’t really changed since I started mentoring at The Aeon Labs. Coming into this, I knew the seriousness of the labs work. I have learned the routine around the lab, and it surprises me how complex it is. There are so many steps to each and every process, it’s unbelievable how hard it is. The only thing I can thing of to improve my performance is practice. You know what they say, practice makes perfect.