Though I have already presented my topic to an audience, I have learned a thing or two watching this video. Bottom line: Presenting information on a topic is scary. The thought of people watching your every move and word out of your mouth. Yeah it can be pretty intimidating. Prepare, prepare, prepare. I already prepared my presentation, wrote down the main facts I wanted to get across. I knew my presentation backwards and forwards. I knew exactly how you’re going to present it. I started off with some simple student interaction and dove into my main points. I had my main ideas that I want to get across to my audience. I start with a some cool facts, I hook the audience in, then I support the evidence, and ended with a powerful, interactive conclusion.

Though I had my presentaton nailed, I lost focus of my posture and physicality. I did not realize that large meals could lead to a “clogged” throat, i should have kept my meal simple. I did have water on the oother hand. Water keeps the voice natural. It can allow a moment of pause to recollect your thoughts. It can also show that you are calm, comfortable, and in control.